The story begins when century-old Granny Adelaide is taken to the hospital. The scene below is told in the perspective of Emily Burnett, the sixteen-year-old youngest child in the Burnett family.
I was humming to
myself as I finished dressing the slaw and warming the peas. That was when the
phone rang. I answered it and a business-like voice on the other end asked for
Mr. Thomas Burnett. I knocked on the door of the office.
Mom opened the door.
“What is it, Em?”
“There’s a phone
call for Dad. It sounds important.”
Mom turned back
into the office, a worried look on her face. There was some murmuring and then
she asked me, “Do you know who it is?”
I shook my head.
From inside the
office, I heard Dad say, “I’ll take it.”
I went back into
the kitchen to hang up the phone, but before I put it down, I held the receiver
to my ear, just to be sure Dad had answered before I hung it up, and that’s
when I heard him say, “Oh no. When?”
I felt my heart jolt,
but I couldn’t stop listening. “Just a few minutes ago,” the voice on the other
end answered. “Would you or your family like to see her before we call the
funeral home?”
Funeral home. My hands shook as I
dropped the phone and I heard an awful noise. It took me a second to realize I
was the one making it, and in that moment, it occurred to me that there were
worse things than having my family miss my concert.
I had never known
anyone who died before.
Susan Aylworth is the author of eight published novels, all currently available in digital form for various e-readers. Her ninth book, ZUCCHINI PIE: GRANNY'S RECIPE FOR LIFE, is coming from Covenant Communications in June. Her tenth novel, RETURN TO RAINBOW ROCK, will soon be available as an original e-book, the seventh in the Rainbow Rock series. Find Susan at or follow her @SusanAylworth.
Susan Aylworth is the author of eight published novels, all currently available in digital form for various e-readers. Her ninth book, ZUCCHINI PIE: GRANNY'S RECIPE FOR LIFE, is coming from Covenant Communications in June. Her tenth novel, RETURN TO RAINBOW ROCK, will soon be available as an original e-book, the seventh in the Rainbow Rock series. Find Susan at or follow her @SusanAylworth.